
[Rosé] ‘Jake Shane Podcast’ Summary


Rosé tends to talk about the same topic over and over again when she meets her friends, and her friends are like angels to her, so they listen to everything she says.
So it was easy for her to tell those stories in the studio and turn them into songs.
And Rosé said that she thought that revealing too much about herself was the problem, but the studio needed someone like her. That's why she enjoyed recording for a year.
She said that she ended up changing one line of the lyrics because she felt like she was revealing too much information.
But she said that the producers generally liked the lyrics that Rosé thought were too much information. That's why there are many lyrics that she didn't change.


Rosé said she recently realized she has anxiety.
That's why she carries around a stress ball.
Rosé used to poke her finger with her nail when she had anxiety, but now she pokes her stress ball instead.


She says she's been working too much lately, doing a lot of creative work and confirmations, so she thinks she's got anxiety.
She's also a workaholic, so she doesn't know how to rest properly and just keeps working, so she thinks she's got anxiety.
However, since she realized she had anxiety, she's been able to get help with stress balls, so she's okay.


She said that she continued to live like that because it was comfortable for her and it was the only way she felt sane.
However, she felt that she was becoming less and less sane.
Then one day, she stopped working and took a day off.
She said that it was the first time in her life that she had ever rested quietly without thinking about anything.
She said it was nice to have some time to herself.


She said she thinks many people will be able to relate to her new song because it talks about the emotions and experiences of ordinary 20-somethings.


She says she's having a great time these days.


A listener said that she was depressed because she was in her 20s and everyone around her was getting married and buying houses but she couldn't.
(What country and region is this where all the 20-somethings are getting married?)
After hearing that, Rosé said, “But why do marriage and buying houses have to be conditions for happiness?”
She said, "In some cases, that actually makes me unhappy. And I'm happier because I'm single."

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