First, At 6:05 PM, after the movie was over, the actors gave a stage greeting.
Dahyun in her school uniform was so pretty.
Second(8:25 movie), there was a stage greeting before the movie started and I took some pictures and came out.
Thirdly(9:10 movie), a stage greeting was held before the movie started.
Dahyun was still pretty.
My heart fluttered when I saw her.
Fourth(7:30 movie), there was a stage greeting after the movie, but I couldn't go there.
Fifth(9:35 movie), There was a stage greeting before the movie started, and I took a picture with Dahyun while making eye contact.
Sixth(10 o'clock movie), There was a stage greeting before the movie started, Dahyun thanked me for taking the picture.
The movie OST was really good and Dahyun was pretty too.