The process of making pizza can be seen in the video above.
I went to the sea at dawn
I caught more than 20 [ Gap-Ojingeo ] (Squid)
I also caught some [Jukkumi]
I washed them clean
And I steamed it and ate it
[Gap-Ojingeo] The smaller the size of the steamed dish, the more delicious it is.
This is because the proportion of [ internal organs] is high.
What does sauce look like?internal organs ].
It was delicious.
Now we're going to make Neapolitan pizza.
First, I took out the [dough].
Then I Shaped the [dough]
I spread a sauce made only with peeled tomatoes and salt on the [dough].
Added fresh [Gap-Ojingeo ] and [extra olive oil]
I baked it in the [ Effeuno Pizza oven].
The edges of the [dough] are puffy
I drank [Blue Label] alcohol
It was delicious.
It tasted like the pizza I bought.