[@Spotify] 50 people, [@Everline] 50 people: I think there were 100 people in total
After waiting in line, I looked around the inside and sat down.
The inside was very well decorated.
And [Jennie] gave gifts to all the attendees.
The song was dreamy and the beginning of [FKJ] was also very good.
The song included drum sounds, so it felt like I was at a concert. (It was a song with a band sound)
[@LIKE JENNIE] song was very good. I heard Korean in the lyrics.
[@start a war] The [rap] was impressive.
[@Handlebars] song: [@Dua Lipa] sang the [hook].
That song was very good.
[@ExtraL] song was also very good.
And they played the songs in order from the album [Track].
and they also showed a [@Mantra] M/V.
The songs came out in the order of [@ExtraL]-[@Love Hangover]-[@ExtraL]-[@ZEN].
The songs were really really good.
I was looking forward to the song [@Seoul City] the most.
And when the 14th song came out, [Jennie] appeared.
Everyone cheered and clapped.
The last song, [@twin], made me feel like I was in space.
I thought [Jennie] was an [all-rounder] who was good at both rapping and singing.
You can look forward to [Jennie]'s upcoming album.
After that, [ZICO] came out and hosted, and we had a talk time with Jennie.
Jennie was very cute, and [ZICO] hosted very well.
[Jennie] said she didn't know [@LIKE JENNIE] was a [Title].
[Jennie] answered "Fan love" to the question "What do you eat to be so cute?".
I was so happy to be able to come to [Listening Party]