I went out for the first time in two weeks and the weather was so nice.
If you go to the mart right after it opens, they sell things that are close to their expiration date for cheap.
This is my treasure trove!! I feel so happy when I find something here.
Today, I found mushrooms and perilla leaves.

Beef was too expensive, so I substituted it with pork hind leg. I just made the batter as I felt like and fried it, but it smelled like donggeurangttang, so I thought it was a failure. Fortunately, it went well and was okay!!
Basil oil, this smells so good.. I think it would be good to use when making pasta.
Stir-fry it, please
Finished ~.. I tried to make the plating look pretty but failed..
The cheese powder doesn't look tasty.. I sprinkled it for nothing.
But it's still really delicious! Cooking seems like a really good hobby. I'm happy.